So this is Christmas :')
Heyy! Sorry for my bad update today... There was something wrong with my internet almost the whole day, but now It's fixed :) So I thought I would make a post about clothes, like some clothing tips and stuff ;) And if you would like me to do like how to dress like for example Cher Lloyd. So anyways, here are some clothes I think are gorgeouse now when It's winter.

Bailey button: Uggs, around 1092kr.
A little bit over sized swetters are always really warm and cozy in winter.

Warm shoes are inportant when It's winter, here's some cute shoes that u can wear.

And just some cute accersorizes :')

Swetter with American flag: Gina Tricot 299kr.
Swetter With stripes: Monki 100kr.
White Swetter: H&M 399kr.
Classic tall: Uggs, around 1229kr.
Bailey button: Uggs, around 1092kr.
Knee socks: Bikbok 79kr.
Necklace: Topshop 95kr.
Well, I might do a post later tonight. Ciao x
