Nom nom nom
Hola! ;) Idag har man då inte gjort något.. Har bara tagit det lugnt, sätt på film och tjockat till mig! hahaha. Fast sen så sprang jag 4 km också. Detta inlägg blev ganska så tråkigt så lägger till några bilder :D
Föresten, lämna en kommentar och berätta oss vad NI skulle vilja läsa om? Mode? One Direction? ;)
Ingen rubrik
Såå, nu är man hemma då. Eller kom hem vid 17.00 men aija ;) Var med Zara och Linn, vi hade det jätte kul! Vi bakade och ''chillade''. haha ;) Nu så är våra gäster här, själv sitter jag och kollar på tv (forever alone).
Här är i alla fall lite bilder från idag..
Våran misslyckade 1D kaka ;)
IM BACK, AND IM READY TO BLOG AGAIN! :D I alla fall, jag är tillbaks nu! Har haft sååå mycket prov och läxor och annat skit... Men nu jävlar ska de bloggas! Snart ska jag iväg till Zara, vi ska typ bara chilla och ha de kul :) Sen så kommer det lite gäster till oss ikväll. Men ska börja göra mig i ording nu men bloggar senare, puss! x
sometimes i pretend to be normal but it gets boring so i go back to being me
Några bilder som jag tog idag, det snöar så himla mycket här! le cry :'(

The city..
Nu har man kommit hem från stan, var där med Sofia :) Det blev inga stora köp, köpte bara en top of the pops och en t-shirt. T-shirten var ganska så random, de stog ''Absolut Svensk'' på den (if ur a directioner u know what I mean) ;) Nu så kollar jag på ''Livet blir bättre''. Har faktiskt aldrig förut sätt den serien men den är faktiskt väldigt bra. Bloggar trorligen senare ikväll :) Chio bellas! x

Förlåt! :(
Förlåååt! Har värkligen typ inte bloggat ett dugg! Men nu, nu bloggar man! Idag så var man med Isabelle, vi pluggade lite spanska och sen drog jag hem lite före fem. Men ska kanske börja på basket (har hört att man får bra ben av det) så då satsar man ;) Hahaha, nej men det värkar roligt så varför inte? Ska nog springa lite snart så jag inte känner mig sådär jätte lat. Tänker nog lägga mig ganska så tidigt ikväll, har varit så sent uppe de senaste dagarna och känner att jag värkligen måste få sova lite bättre. I morn är det också fredag! yayy! Denna vecka har faktiskt gått ganska så fort. Idag så kom ju tour video diary 3 ut! Fast det är något fel med den nu så man inte kan se den i Sverige (narnia)... Men när man kan se den igen så lägger jag ut den på bloggen! Men ska nog ta mig upp från soffan och springa lite som sagt. Bloggar mer i morn! Chiao! x

Take me back to Dubai♥

Så detta är min första gång när jag skriver på svenska i denna blogg! Har inte haft någon ork eller lust att bloga dom senaste dagarna.. Men nu är jag här igen! Så igår kom One Thing musik videon ut! Var själv hemma hos några kompisar så kunde inte se videon tills 19.30... Men när jag såg den så dog jag, är typ i himlen nu! Idag har jag typ inte gjort så mycket. Eller joo, var med Sofia idag (jag vet bästa namnet) vi fikade och snackade lite, det var andra gången vi träffades :) Sen har jag skypat med Bella och Isabell, och nu så skypar jag med Johanna. Och just de! Något helt jätte awesome hände idag... MAZ TWEETADE MIG OCH FOLLOWADE MIG! Fick typ damp (Bella och Isabell vet det). Så är jätte glad just nu!! :D Men nu ska jag och Angelica blogga så mycket vi bara kan! Nu ska jag nog börja lägga mig snart men bloggar mer i morn! Night! x

So today I woke up at like 11 am? And then I had this meeting with my teacher and my mom came with me. We like talked and stuff and I saw my grades and stuff.. Now Im home and skyping with Isabelle. Tomorrow school starts :( Not feeling exited at all! Im really happy cuz I got my 1D braclets, I'll post a pic of them later today :) So guys leave a question on the other post that's called Question Time! :D Anyways, I'll blog later! x

Sorry :(
Sorry that I didn't blog yesterday, but I really haven't have time... Anyways, now Im just watching some tv. I was sopouse to meet a friend but she got fever, but we will probably do something tomorrow :) Would you guys like if we would have a competition? If we get many comments on this post saying yes we might do a competiton, who knows? :) Well Im off now, Im gonna blog later today! x

Hey There Delilah..
Sorry for my bad update the last few days, I haven't been feeling so good (personal life). But anyways, I've been skyping with Johanna almost the whole day :P I haven't really done anything, Im just so lazy today. I was sopouse to be with Isabelle but she got fever today :( So now Im just listening to some music (1D ofc). I watched some weird French movie too, didn't understad a word but it was kinda funny tho. I would need some music tips so if you have some good song tips than leave a comment! I'll do a post later with some 1D stuff :) x
Not the best picture of me...
So I just thought I would answer a question that we have got a few times. People ask us why we are writing in english when we are from Sweden. Well, that's because we want that as many as possible can read our blog. So it dosen't matter where you're from :) But yeah, just wanted to let you guys know that. I'll do a post later today cuz right now Im not feeling so well.. Might be sick? Hope not :S Anyways have a great day! x

Sorry that I haven't really been bloging today... But in the early morning we went to my grandparents cuz it takes 2 hours to drive there and we wanted to be home early :) When we drived home there was a snow storm, it was really scary cuz we saw like 4 cars that had like crashed and stuff. When we came home like 7.00 pm Frida came over and now we are just chillin, she's gonna sleepover. But we're probably gonna sleep soon cuz well, we are really tired or well at least me ;) I'll probably blog tomorrow, night! x

Happy new year! :D
So here in Finland it's already 2012! :D Im with Frida right now, hahaha. When the clock hit 00.00 instead of screaming ''Happy new year'' we screamed ''ONE DIRECTION!'', It was hilariouse ;) Anyways, HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! x
31 december 2011..
So this is the last day of 2011! :o This year har gone so fast, It's just crazy. And I'm really happy cuz my best friend is coming here so we will celebrate new year together. So I thought I would do a quick post before our guests are here. I thought I would let you guys know what I'm wearing for new year :) So here is my outfit...
But Im off now cuz I think the guests are here in like 5 min? And Im not ready yet :S But happy new year everyone! And I might do a post later tonight or maybe this is my last post for 2011? Anyways, HAPPY NEW YEAR! (again) ;) x

You can't really see it so good cuz I had to take the picture with my web cam cuz I left my camera home... But Im wearing a black shirt and black leggings.
But Im off now cuz I think the guests are here in like 5 min? And Im not ready yet :S But happy new year everyone! And I might do a post later tonight or maybe this is my last post for 2011? Anyways, HAPPY NEW YEAR! (again) ;) x

The best moments of 2011
So I have seen that a lot of people have been doing these posts called ''The best moments of 2011'' and so on.. So I thought I would to it too ;)
Note: these pictures are coming in a random order.
So yeah I guess that was all I've got. 2011 was kind of a shitty year for me but in the end of the year it was good. Comment below telling us you favorite memory from 2011! :) x

When I met the lads (best day of my life).
When I went to Dubai.
When I went to London.
I got to know/meet some really amazing girls, thank's to twitter:') Love you all very much!

When I met Frida for the first time after 5 years. And now, she is one of my bestes friends<3
So yeah I guess that was all I've got. 2011 was kind of a shitty year for me but in the end of the year it was good. Comment below telling us you favorite memory from 2011! :) x

trololol ;)
Sorry that I didn't blog in the morning I went early in to the city with my friend Vendela. We shopped some stuff, or well mostly me. Now Im packing cuz Im going to finland today... We're taking the boat so I'm kinda in a hurry right now. I might do a post later IF there is some internet on the boat (not sure). But I promise that tomorrow there's gonna be A LOT of fun posts :) So guys, what are you wearing for new year? It would be fun to know what our readers will wear. Anyways, I have to go now or els we're gonna miss the boat. Have a great evening! x

It's everything about you, you, you..
Morning guys :') or good day guys?

I woke up at 11.30 am today, It felt good to sleep really long. Now Im just sitting here like a nolifer and not doing anything ;) I might go outside for a while and take some pictures, but Im not sure. What do you guys wanna read about? Leave a comment below telling us what you guys would like to read about. I think I'll do a post about like some clothing stuff again. Well I'll blog later, ciao! x

Their colthes... OMG, WHAT IS AIR!?

Sorry that I haven't really been bloging today. I went into the city early in the morning and came home at 7.00pm? And then I've been with my cousins all day :') There was some robbery in Stockholm today, It was kinda scary cuz my cousins where there when it happend and we came there 5 min after... But anyways, now Im just watching some tv with my cousin.
Here is some more information about the fanvideo --->

Has anyone sent a picture to the Zayns video? Cuz there might me something wrong with the email.. But leave a comment and tell me if you have sent a picture and if you are gonna send one :)
Here is some more information about the fanvideo --->
But Im probably going to bed soon so I'll blog tomorrow again! Night! x

So I just woke up after a awful night... It was SO windy outside, It was this storm called Dagmar. So I could hardly sleep. But anyways, Im gonna go shopping with a friend soon and then our cousins are gonna come here later today.
Just to remind you guys about the Zayns fanvideo, Send in some pictures! :D here is some more information about the video --->
Just to remind you guys about the Zayns fanvideo, Send in some pictures! :D here is some more information about the video --->
I'll probably blog later, Ciao! x

I just haven't met you yet...
Hey guys! So I just decided I would make a quick post before I go to bed. I just wonderd if there is any directioners in Stockholm that maybe would like to have some fan meeting in January. I just wanted to know if some one thinks it would be a good idea? :D So leave a comment saying if u would like to have something like that.
But anyways, Im going to bed now.. So good night, sleep tight! x